The dogs are routine animals that need to find a time pattern stability and feel that control every element forming part of their environment. When something fails or is altered, they can enter a state of stress or anxiety that, if not identified and treated, can even lead to depression.
Emotional disorders are prevalent conditions in cats but challenging to appreciate. On many occasions, we tend to associate them with a picture of jealousy if we have just introduced a new pet to the home, threatening behavior or fatigue. Read on and discover how to know if your dog has depression to begin to fight it and restore happiness.
Steps to follow:
Step One
The first thing you should know is that certain types of dogs have a greater depressive tendency than the rest. This is the case of Terrier breeds. Due to their character and personality, these cats are more likely to suffer from depression. A dog that comes from a kennel, kennel, or kennel and has been adopted as an adult will be more prone to the change of environment.

Step Two
Read also: All You Need to Know About Epilepsy in Dogs
To identify the symptoms of canine depression, we must pay special attention to our dog's behavior. One of the first notable changes is usually the lack of activity and relationship with other dogs. In general, a dog in a depressed state loses enthusiasm for socializing and playing with other dogs. Likewise, it presents an apparent apathy towards its owners and other humans.
Step Three
He may even have stopped running and started to walk slower, despite being an energetic dog. Usually, dogs that get an upset jump and run without obeying their owner when going for a walk tend to act in that certain way because they are stressed or anxious due to lack of exercise. When the opposite happens, and the dog does not want to carry out any activity, we speak of depression.
Step Four
The changes in appetite are one of the most common symptoms of canine depression. In general, depressive dogs tend to lose their hunger, causing considerable weight loss. However, each dog is different, and many people just the opposite. They overeat or until they leave the bowl empty. See if your dog has stopped eating or is eating more than normal. A symptom that most depressive cats tend to present is an increase in water intake.
Step Five
A dog in a state of medium or advanced depression will most likely sleep much more than it should. You may even spend a large part of your day sleeping and drinking water. However, as with food changes, some dogs have opposite symptoms; they cannot fall asleep.
Step Six
Another of the symptoms that a dog with depression can present is crying or moaning frequently and for no apparent reason. Many cans come to this event to ask their owner for help and to get her to pay more attention.
Also read: How Much Should a Boxer Dog Eat?
Likewise, they may present other behavioral changes such as going from one place to another or hiding in some corner of the home, which they did not do before. You must pay close attention to these signs because the cause of canine depression may be a lack of awareness on our part.
Step Seven
If your dog presents any of these symptoms and you suspect that he may suffer from a state of depression, do not hesitate to take him to the vet for an examination and start the appropriate treatment to combat it.
You can see that not all of these symptoms are specific to this condition, so it is possible that instead of depression, you suffer some illness or physical ailment. That is why a professional must determine what happens to your dog.
Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff
Sources: Uncomo