Basil is one of the most popular herbs used and, from the unmistakable smell, especially to prepare the fresh summer dishes. For those who haven't tried it, try it in your dishes. It's simple, even for the most inexperienced.
To grow basil, keep the soil moist, keep the seedlings in an area full of light and sunny, and water it in the morning when it needs it. When you need it in the kitchen, you will need to collect it; how do you do it without the danger of ruining it? Let us find out below.
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Here are 5 tricks to keep its properties intact and for as long as possible.
1. Cut not a single leaf but a sprig with several leaves starting from the oldest ones.

2. Do not remove the basil with your hands but cut it with a pair of scissors at the point where the branch meets the stem not to flake the plant.
3. Gather the twigs gently about halfway up the plant to allow the plant to grow well.
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4. Whenever the top reaches about 15cm in height, you can collect the twigs again. Let the lower small stems that grow before cutting them.
5. When they sprout, remove the sprouts because if the plant blooms, it stops producing leaves and growing.
Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff
Sources: Donnad