How to Clean Lacquered Furniture

Do you like the warmth of wooden furniture but know how difficult it is to keep this material intact? If you are a fan of wooden furniture and like to keep it in perfect condition, you surely have many lacquered furniture.

Lacquered furniture is better protected against bumps, tears, liquid stains, color wear, marks from objects, or the fearsome termites. But it is impossible that they never suffer damage and wear and tear. As we know how much you like to show off that walnut sideboard and your olive table, we will show you some tricks on cleaning lacquered furniture.

Steps to follow:

Step One

When the lacquered furniture is not stained, beaten, or worn, and we want to clean it to remove the dust, it is best to use a cloth dampened with warm water. Rub the cloth over the furniture's surface and make sure to dry it thoroughly afterward with a little paper. Once dried, we can always rub a little with an unmoistened chamois so that the wood looks shinier.

Source: atelierviollet

Step Two

Daily cleaning sometimes doesn't remove the grease or finger marks that often appear on everyday furniture. If we pass the cloth of warm water on the surface of the table or the cupboard, we see that the prints reappear after drying as if by magic after drying. We must use a product stronger than water: ammonia.

Read also: How to Clean Wicker Furniture.

Using the same technique, we impregnate the cloth with ammonia and clean the lacquered wood. It is advisable to make sure we do it in a place with good ventilation so that the smell of ammonia does not irritate.

Step Three

It is unavoidable. You put the glass of water on the bedside table. Children paint on the desk. Candles are lit and left on the dresser to create a good atmosphere. Let stains on our lacquered furniture is only a matter of time!

If we are faced with a stain not removed with the techniques used in daily cleaning, the best we can do is sand the surface of the furniture with fine sandpaper and re-lacquer that area later. Of course, if we are unable to do the job delicately, it is always better to call a carpenter.

Step Four

Marker and ballpoint lines are the most common stain in the room of the smallest of the house but, luckily, lacquered furniture is ink proof. Dampen a soft cloth (make sure it's lint-free) rubbing alcohol and rub vigorously over the marks. This method will remove the marker or ballpoint stains and make the surface of the furniture even shinier.

Step Five

White lacquered furniture is lovely, but if it is near a window that lets the sun's rays pass through, you run the risk of the light yellowing the color of our furniture. To restore the original white, you can clean the furniture with hydrogen peroxide, although you may have to do it several times before returning to the original tone.

Step Six

Despite our best efforts, it is impossible that, throughout its life, our furniture will never suffer bumps, scratches, or scrapes of any kind. Fixing the marks of a lacquered furniture requires, in most cases, the application of colorless wax or the tone of the furniture.

Also read: How to Remove Gum from Furniture

The wax should be applied to the damaged surface and rubbed with a woolen cloth until the mark disappears as if by magic.

More Tips

  • Move white lacquered furniture away from windows that let in a lot of light
  • Try not to apply cleaning products to your furniture during daily cleaning; water will suffice
  • Whenever you go to clean grease stains with ammonia, ensure good ventilation
  • If you don't think you will be able to sand the furniture and re-lacquer it, call a professional

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Uncomo