We ignore the real value of money, give in to emotions, and strive for quick gratification. On payday, you see a large amount on your card and think that now you can buy everything. Because of this, a lot...
Prices for some goods are several times higher than their cost. True, there is almost always an opportunity not to give too much. 1. Popcorn in the cinema The leader of the hit parade of overrated things. For example, a tiny...
11 tips will help you not suffer from hunger and boredom if you have only a small change in your pocket. 1. Determine the budget There is almost no money left, but there may be more than it seems. Check the...
Take a fresh look at the issue and see the hidden opportunities. We used to think that saving was about cutting costs, spending less, and leading a bleak existence. However, there are further methods to save money without denying yourself...
In any unclear situation, open a dispute. When can I get a refund for an item from AliExpress? In short, always. The item came in the wrong color or size, looks completely different from the picture, does not work or is...
It's easy to keep track of personal money, and the family budget is already full-fledged accounting. Here are the programs that do the job. For effective use, the application must be multi-user and suitable for different operating systems so that...
Love for video games can be not only a hobby but also a source of income. Here's how streaming can help you monetize your passion for shooters, strategy games, and other game genres. Who are streamers, and where do they...