It happens that everything is for a person, but you feel unhappy. This article will assist you in realizing that your life is actually not that horrible. We constantly say: “Do not compare yourself with others! No need to envy! "
And how can you avoid feeling jealous when a neighbor changed the car again, a colleague went for a promotion, and there were only models around? How is it? It is impossible in such conditions to refrain from another attack of self-flagellation, although we understand that this leads to depression and gastritis. But there is a simple antidote to this poison; It is enough to stop, evaluate your real successes, and life will again become weightless and bright. Here's a list of signs that you are doing just fine.
Read also: 10 Things To Do While You Are Still Young
And let them themselves envy you, yes!
- Your family relationships are much calmer than before.
- You don't have as much money as you would like, but you live a busy life.
- You are not afraid to ask for help or support.
- You are returning home with great pleasure.
- You are constantly increasing your requests.
- You get rid of things that prevent you from living.
- There are times when you like your reflection in the mirror.
- You have successfully confronted your inner critic and learned to prioritize positive thoughts.
- You have a support circle that is made up of people who can do anything for you.
- You have learned that setbacks and obstacles are part of the growth process.
- You hear, “I love you,” and from different people.
- You accept what you cannot change and change what you cannot accept.
- You don't complain anymore and instead focus on action.
- You don't blame your parents and accept them for who they are.
- You have stopped worrying about what others think of you.
- You are happy for your ex as they go their own way.
- You can celebrate other people's success.
- You allow yourself to feel and can share your feelings with others.
- You have hobbies that you give time and energy to.
- You are capable of receiving compliments correctly.
- There are things or events in your life that you are looking forward to.
- You have goals that you have achieved.
Also read: 5 Phrases You Should Never Say to Your Boss
- You can empathize with others.
- You feel connected to your work.
- You love yourself and can receive love from another.
Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff
Sources: Life hacker