How To Be Persuasive in Communication With Your Boss: 7 Tips That Work

Kostya Gorskiy, Design Lead at Intercom and former design director of Yandex, tells how to present your idea to a manager and be heard. Once in every specialist's life, there comes a time when he has to communicate at work with "high bosses," customers, top managers, or business owners. Sometimes it's hard. It may even seem that you are not understood or taken seriously.

Here are some tips to help you look convincing and get what you want.

1. Do not contrast specialists and non-specialists

We are all just people, and it looks like we are working or going to work on the same project. Talk about its importance and leave it at that.

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2. Do not go to the manager with a problem

The problem must always be brought along with the solution. If you come up with a solution, you speak the language of the listener. Then the decision can already be discussed; you can even re-invent it - this is, in any case, interesting. If you come up with a problem without a solution, you're just annoying.

3. Prepare for the meeting

In general, it would be good to prepare for all meetings, but if you are supposed to meet with high-ranking officials, then you cannot but do your “homework”: be well-versed in the topic of conversation and be ready to answer any question. Even if the meeting is expected to take only 5 minutes. Most of the questions you might be asked are easy to predict in advance. And come up with good answers.

4. Immediately state the purpose of the meeting

Hopefully, it is obvious to everyone that the goal should be clearly articulated. If you have a presentation, it should be clear from the first slide what you want. No lyrical eyeliner needed; save everyone time and get straight to the point.

How To Be Persuasive in Communication With Your Boss: 7 Tips That Work
Image source: Reproduction/Internet

5. Support your statements with facts.

It's preferable if you keep your thoughts and evaluations to yourself. In addition, it is inappropriate to criticize your colleagues or competitors.

6. If you feel that your offer might be rejected, give more choice

For example, don't just offer one new version of the site, but show three options. And tell them which one you think is the best and why. Choosing is always easier than agreeing to a single option.

7. Help make your proposed solution

For example, describe the consequences of implementation and the consequences of delaying implementation. It should be easy and comfortable for the person to say yes. Help them with that.

Also read: How to Stop Complaining: The Seal Officer Method

Rule. With high-ranking officials, we speak according to the following scheme: the purpose of the meeting - the problem - the facts - the solution options - why it will work.

If this approach is used in conversations with top managers and in general, you can always become a top manager yourself.

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Life hacker