The nutritional needs of an adult cat vary compared to those of a puppy. At 12 months, a cat reaches adulthood, although it can reach sexual maturity earlier. When a cat is in its adulthood, you may experience less active behavior in it. This does not necessarily have to be the case.
For our feline to stay strong and healthy, we must give it a meal with essential nutrients, such as proteins, vitamins, minerals, fats, and carbohydrates. We must always be sure that our cat has water. We will explain how to feed an adult cat.
Steps to follow:
Step One

We must consider the breed of our cat and detect if it is active or relatively calm. This directly influences the type of food that we are going to give you. In the case of an active, playful cat that usually remains in motion, the best option is to provide it with a diet that is richer in fat.
Read also: How to Feed a Baby Cat
On the contrary, if used to be a calm cat, the diet best adapted to prevent it from gaining weight is low fat. Similarly, a puppy cat, sterilized or pregnant, should have a different diet adapted to its needs.
Step Two
Some cats love wet food, while others are indifferent, eating dry without a problem. You can try to give it both to detect the one with which it responds best when eating. You must make sure that the food provides the nutritional elements mentioned initially, both as if it is wet or dry food.
We must also remember that dry food lasts longer out of its container, so if our cat does not eat the full amount at once, it will be kept in good condition for longer. Try to give him food at room temperature and avoid serving food that is too cold or hot.
Step Three
Contrary to what some people may think, cats are carnivores. A cat that is given a diet based on plant products can develop different diseases such as blindness and other problems that can even cause death. This is why we must feed our feline meat or fish.
Step Four
Another false myth about cats is that they love milk. It is proven that once cats have passed the lactation stage, they progressively lose the enzyme in charge of transforming lactose into glucose, called lectin. This is why our cat should only drink water.
Step Five
Some people feed their cat food scraps. At first, it may seem that it cannot harm your health, since it can be leftover meat or vegetables. We must bear in mind that our cat must follow a balanced diet, giving it the same amount of food every day and, if possible, simultaneously. If our cat eats food scraps, he can become overweight and have food problems that do not suit him well.
Step Six
An adult cat usually eats twice a day, with the appropriate amount in each. Some people choose to leave the food in the bowl from the morning so that the cat decides when to eat. This option can be successful in cases in which the cat does not have anxiety when eating.
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If, on the contrary, we see that our cat eats everything at once and quickly, it will be better to give him less food in more turns, taking into account that the total of food that we give him is the same as if we did it in two shifts. It is essential to know how to educate your cat, both in its diet and other aspects.
Step Seven
A veterinarian can help you adjust your cat's diet according to its age, breed, and weight, as well as possible diseases that it may suffer. So if you want to ensure that your cat eats the right amount, feel free to visit an animal expert to find out how to feed your adult cat.
Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff
Sources: Uncomo