Do you want your cat to understand some basic concepts of coexistence? That he comes to your call, that he does his business in the sand, or does not scratch some rules that you can teach your kitten with a little patience and some specific tricks.
Despite being more complicated than dogs, cats can also learn concepts and associate some commands or calls. In this article, we will tell you how to train a cat to know how to achieve it.
Steps to follow:
Step One

Before indicating specific aspects of training a cat, we will show a series of general tips to apply in any teaching you want to give your pet.
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- Reward positively when your cat has done an action well. In the first moments of training, you must always reinforce it, but, later, with more adult age, you can reward yourself in an interspersed way. Use her favorite cat food or treat to reward her.
- Help yourself with a specific sound, for example, a bell or a clicker are highly recommended since the animal will associate that sound with a reward and, therefore, do what you have taught it.
- Before any order, you must say the name of your cat. He is clear about what it is. You should also pronounce it when you caress him, hug him, or play with him; He must be clear that this is his name, and when you say it, you are addressing him.
- When you want to train your cat, eliminate any external distractions such as television, music, etc. Spend that time just for him and, thus, he will know that you are one hundred percent addressing him; otherwise, he will not be able to associate you with him all the time, and the session will not have much effect.
- Always use the same mode to train your pet: the same commands, rewards, and sounds. In this way, she will understand much better what you are transmitting to her, and the learning will be faster (for example, if you use the word "No" that is always that, if you use a clicker, then do not use a bell, etc .).
- You have to have the patience to train a cat, ideally spend daily for 10 to 15 minutes in his teaching: you are not a little longer because the animal will get tired and eventually leave or get angry.
Step Two
Cats are animals that tend to hide in the most remote places of the house. That is why good teaching is that they learn to respond when you call them. For that, you will have to use his name and, to get used to it, you will have to repeat it every time you have the opportunity: when you play with him when you caress him, and so on.
As soon as he recognizes his name when you call him, he will come to the call; If you see that you can't, you can make her come using the noise of her food package saying her name, as soon as she appears at the door give her a prize and remind her of her name.
Step Three
Teaching a cat to use litter to relieve itself is not as difficult as it sounds. To get them used to it, you can accompany them to where the tray is a couple of times a day and reward them if they do their business there. If you see that she does not finish getting used to it and always does her things in a certain location in the house, bring the litter box there to associate it with her hygiene.
If he has a habit of peeing in a space of the house where you don't want to put his sand, for example, in the middle of the dining room, you can scare him away by putting pieces of aluminum foil on the floor and cats do not like this touch. Remember that if you placed the food next to the litter box, it is likely that the cat does not want to use it because it is too close, try moving it away or moving it to another room.
Step Four
Teach him not to eat the plants. If you have a cat, you are sure that some of the indoor plants display bites or scratches. They are used by cats as a form of self-purging, but you must be careful because some of these plants are toxic to cats.
To train him, you will have to give him the command "No" very early; In order for the animal to understand the instruction, it must be concise and strong; without or is enough, you can spray him with a spray of water on his body so that he understands that he should not go near the plants.
Step Five
Furniture is another one of cats' hobbies, and people with these pets usually have scratched and marked furniture with their paws. But you can teach a cat not to scratch the furniture in the house by buying a scratching post.
Keep in mind that the instincts of this animal lead it to scratch its nails with tree trunks, therefore, purchasing a fixed scratcher whose touch resembles the bark of a tree is ideal for cats.
To ensure that it does not scratch the furniture, you must put the scraper in a visible and accessible area for it; At first, you can attract the animal to this utensil with treats, toys, or caresses, associates it with a pleasant and pleasant place. You may also spray the area with a pheromone spray (you can get it at a veterinary store). In this article, we show you more tricks to prevent a cat from scratching furniture.
Step Six
Cats also tend to occupy your bed at night and abandon that bed that you bought precisely for them. To make your cat sleep in his bed, you have to prohibit the animal from sleeping in yours, so when it is time to sleep, close the door so that it does not enter or sneak into your room, even if it meows for a long time, no give in to their requests as they will get away with it.
Also read: How to Bathe an Aggressive Cat
To understand where he should sleep, accompany him to his bed every night and then go to yours by closing the bedroom door, so he will know what you want.
The cat's bed should be in concrete and fixed space. You should not move it because it will not be associated as a resting place but rather as a toy. To make the home pleasant, you can spray it with pheromones or caress and pamper it before going to sleep, so it will relax and get to sleep.
Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff
Sources: Uncomo