How to Remove Mold from a Top-Loader Washing Machine

One of the most significant issues with the washing machine is the appearance of mold. It is very annoying because the clothes do not fit well or have a good aroma, even if you use detergents and softeners with the scent of flowers or pine, among others.

It is also an odor that can spread throughout the house on clothing, such as towels left in the bathroom or the washing machine itself when there is a large amount of mold.

This problem, fortunately, has a solution. However, the best weapon is always prevention so that it does not occur and accumulate in pipes or in areas that are difficult to access. Obviously, each appliance has its own peculiarity. Today's discussion will be on how to remove mold from your top load washer.

How to Remove Mold from a Top Load Washer -Step by Step

Removing mold from your top-load washer is a bit of a long process, but it's easy to do. Also, the advantage is that you get a good result and end the inconvenience it generates. But we go by the steps.

Also read: How to Remove Mold Stains from Shoes.

  1. The surface cleaning of mold is the first thing you have to do. To do this, it is best to take a white cloth and put bleach in it and then rub the washing machine's entire interior. Being a top load, it may be difficult for you to get to the bottom, so you can help yourself with a stick, broom type, or duster, in which to tie the cloth so that it does not stay inside.
  2. Filling the drum with hot water is the next step you should take. Then, add a little bleach. If you do not want to use this product because you are afraid that later the clothes may come out with stains, you can use an alternative: white vinegar.
  3. Then do a wash with the hot water and bleach or white vinegar.
  4. When the wash is finished, take the receptacle you have to soften fabrics and put it in the sink or a basin with boiling water and a few drops of liquid dish soap. You can also add white vinegar. The receptacle must be well covered. Now you have to wait for about half an hour.
  5. Next, wash the receptacle with that mixture.
  6. Finally, rinse it with cold water and, above all, dry it very well with a towel or a cloth that soaks up a lot, because if there is water left, it will help the mold reappear. When it's dry, could you put it back in place?

With these steps, your top-loading washer should now be mold-free and ready to rewash your clothes perfectly and without any bad odors left in or around the house.

How To Prevent Mold From Your Top Load Washer

Mold can be easily removed, as we have shown, but it is always preferable to prevent its emergence. And, if it has never occurred to you, you will think that the washing machine has been damaged and that your choice of soaps or fabric softeners is to blame for the unpleasant odor. It's not like that. At least not always.

  • Prevention is also easy because they are small, simple gestures to do daily. The most important is that you always leave the lid open after all the washes so that the interior dries well and airs. If there is no moisture, you reduce the chances of mold making its appearance.
  • Also, from time to time, you can wash without clothes in which you add white vinegar. This will also help you reduce other bad odors that occur, apart from avoiding mold in more difficult areas to access, such as pipes.
  • And of course, never leave clothes inside the washing machine after the wash cycle has finished. It is best to remove them as soon as possible so that the drum can air out and dry. Otherwise, it will favor the appearance of mold in the washing machine and the clothes you have washed.

Other Tips Related to Washing Machine Mold

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Apart from the prevention and proper care and maintenance of the washing machine, it is also important that you pay attention to drains and pipes. The problem is often in this area because the water cannot pass well or because there are remains of detergents or softeners, which clog the pipe and cause stagnant water to remain.

In this way, you always check that the pipes are not clogged and that the water is completely gone after each wash. These are tips on how to remove mold from the top-loading washer that we give you. Should you have any queries or issues, always consult a technician or professional specialized in this type of electrical appliance.

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Uncomo