How to Clean Plant Leaves

Plant care is not just about watering every so often. It is true that each type of plant requires different care but they all need that extra touch to be very beautiful. In fact, cleaning the leaves of the plants serves to facilitate their photosynthesis process since the dust accumulated on the leaves prevents them from breathing. It also makes it difficult for them to convert oxygen into energy at night to feed themselves.
But it is also interesting because photosynthesis allows plants to clean the air in the home and make it a healthier and more pleasant place. If you are one of those who cannot live in a house without some green, this article will teach you how to clean the leaves of your plants.

Step One

Removing dead leaves is the first step you have to take in making life easy for your plants. Once a week is enough, although we advise you to take a look every day, especially if they are indoor plants since these plants are usually more delicate and (due to space) they are in small pots. That is why the leaves immediately fall and are not seen until the plant drowns because they obstruct the earth, which is where it drinks.

Step Two

Just a little water will do. Depending on the type of leaf that your plant has, you will have to clean the leaves of the plants in one way or another.

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  • Large-leaved plants: Clean them one by one using a water-soaked microfiber cloth or some other alternative cleaning product.
  • Small leaf plants: When the leaf is very small it is not necessary to clean them one by one. The best system is to spray a little water on top with a vaporizer and shake them gently.
  • Plants with velvety leaves: Use a bristle brush or soft hair to rub them delicately.
  • Flowering plants: The flowers are very delicate and you do not have to do anything other than removing them when they are dry so that they do not fall on the ground and drown the entire plant.
  • Plants with cactus-like thorns: In this case, it is best to pass a brush over the thorns, without water or anything.

Step Three

Give glow to plants using a variety of household products to clean the leaves of plants, for example, beer. Dip a sponge in beer, drain well and wipe the leaves. We must not exaggerate, of course, but what we can assure you is that it will give shine to your leaves.

Step Four

Vinegar is also ideal for cleaning the leaves of plants since it works for practically everything, so we recommend that you adopt vinegar among your cleaning products. In a vaporizer put a mixture of water with a little vinegar and proceed to clean the leaves as we have explained in the article, depending on the leaf type.

Step Five

Another option to clean your plants is with milk. Gently rub the leaves of the plant with a cloth dipped in milk. It will give them shine and, in addition, it turns out that whole milk is an excellent fungicide, so you can prevent the appearance of fungi on your plants. The ideal ratio is one part of milk to ten of water.

Also read: How to Care for an Areca Palm

Finally, you can reinforce the vigor of your plants in general by adding these natural supplements to take care of plants to water or directly to the soil.

Coffee Grounds

It serves as a fertilizer for plants, especially Hydrangeas, Azaleas, and Orchids since it increases the level of acidity of the soil, which is what these species need. Mix the coffee grounds with the earth to achieve this effect. Be careful, you notice that the leaves are starting to dry out at the tips, it is that you have exceeded the acid level.


Because it increases the calcium levels of plants and gives them strength. Chop up a couple of eggshells and place them on the ground around your plant.

Cold Tea Infusion

Make yourself tea and add it to the irrigation water, the antioxidant properties of the tea will pass to the earth and will serve as a reinforcement to your plants. Tea also shields against the growth of fungus. Another way to use it is by directly mixing the contents of the bag with the soil of your plants.

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Uncomo