How to Revive a Dying Plant

The beauty of plants is what motivates people to use them to decorate both at home and in the workplace. However, to preserve their useful life, you must constantly take good care of them. Whereas watering and fertilizing plants is essential, unfortunately, it's not enough to revive the dry leaves or plants that are infected with a fungus.

How to Recover a Dry Plant Step by Step

If you are wondering how to revive a dry plant, you should consider a series of tips and fundamental steps. In addition to watering it with water, pay attention to the following instructions:

  1. Cut off all the branches that are dry on the plant.
  2. Next, remove it from the pot with great care. Regardless of where it is, whether in a pot or planted in the garden, be sure always to take care of its roots during the handover.
  3. Place it in a large container that is covered with soil and warm water.
  4. Let the mixture sit for about 10 minutes.
  5. Arrange the plant on a plate, so it finishes draining.
  6. Finally, put it back in the same pot or plant it in the garden. When it is in place, put some water back on them.

How to Revive a Drowned Plant - Steps

A drowned plant is one that is overwatered. In most cases, the solution to this problem tends to be difficult, since large amounts of water can end up killing your plant; This is because excess water prevents gas exchange from taking place correctly, as well as the absorption of nutrients.

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However, we offer you step by step so that you can quickly identify the problem and can solve it. Here's how you can revive a drowned plant:

  1. Evaluate the frequency of watering: you will notice that your plant has an excess of water because the lower plants will begin to turn yellow and fall. Given this situation, many believe that the solution is to put the plant in the sun to dry, but this can be a mistake. Find darker places for your plant to rest.
  2. Prune the roots and wrap the plant: once the previous step is done, remove the plant from its pot very carefully to not break the hearts. Those that are brown should be pruned, so leave only the white ones on the plant. Next, you will have to take an absorbent paper and roll it to the soil of the plant for about a day.
  3. Use fungicide: after this time, you can remove the paper and add a little fungicide to the roots that you left to prevent the growth of fungi on your plant.
  4. Re-sow your plant: finally, you can re-sow the plant with arid soil to remove excess moisture.

How to Revive a Sick Plant - Remedies

Like humans, plants can also become ill due to being in contact with fungi, bacteria, and any other microorganism. To prevent them, there are several home remedies to revive the plants that can help you. Some of them are:

  • Banana peels: Banana peels serve as an excellent medicine for plants with fallen leaves since they have a high potassium index that will considerably promote their recovery. You must place the banana skin in a pot with water and let it boil for approximately 15 minutes. When it has cooled, proceed to strain it and pour it over the plant to moisten it (without puddling).
  • Coffee residues: Coffee residues are also a good remedy for plants since they contribute large amounts of nitrogen to the soil. Make an infusion with the coffee residues and, as we have done with the banana peels, pour the water over the plant.
  • Eggshells: These are an element widely used to improve the health of plantations of tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, etc. This is because eggshells have a high calcium content, so you will have to do the following: wash them well and grind them until they turn into a powder. Next, pour the powder on the plant.
  • Homemade milk-based fertilizer: To prepare it, you will have to mix one part of cow's milk and four parts of water; It should be mentioned that milk has nitrogen and calcium, two essential nutrients for the proper development of plants, so they will significantly appreciate the properties of this home remedy. You will see results by using this fertilizer once a week.

The appearance of various fungi usually accompanies overwatering, so when you notice that your plant is sick (the leaves change color, wrinkle, fall off, etc.), start using fungicides.

Also read: How to Care for an Areca Palm

It is essential to protect the plants and provide them with adequate care daily; thus, their life span will be longer, and they can continue to provide vitality to the environment surrounding them.

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Uncomo