We ignore the real value of money, give in to emotions, and strive for quick gratification. On payday, you see a large amount on your card and think that now you can buy everything. Because of this, a lot...
11 tips will help you not suffer from hunger and boredom if you have only a small change in your pocket. 1. Determine the budget There is almost no money left, but there may be more than it seems. Check the...
Prices for some goods are several times higher than their cost. True, there is almost always an opportunity not to give too much. 1. Popcorn in the cinema The leader of the hit parade of overrated things. For example, a tiny...
Take a fresh look at the issue and see the hidden opportunities. We used to think that saving was about cutting costs, spending less, and leading a bleak existence. However, there are further methods to save money without denying yourself...
You don't have to be an expert in finances. You have to dig into yourself and change your habits a little. What is the essence of a healthy relationship with money? “Financial health is a conscious, goal-oriented attitude towards money that...
A step-by-step plan for different occasions. Assess the situation Panic won't help you find your way out - it will only increase stress. So sit down and think carefully about your position. Determine the cause of financial stress. Perhaps it is obvious: for example,...
You cannot completely give up entertainment, not set long-term goals, and not save. Making large purchases not from savings but on credit. Lada and Maxim take their daughter to the sea every summer. To do this, they take a loan or...
If you are in a financial hole, it is important to avoid stupid things not to dig deeper. Take a microloan You may find the idea of ​​taking a small loan from a microfinance organization tempting. Such companies know how to advertise...
Wise sayings that are relevant to this day. Epictetus, "Enkhiridion" Of existence, some things are in our power, others are not in ours. In ours - assumption, impulse, striving, deviation and, in a word, whatever our other deeds are; not in ours -...
Sometimes we spend money without noticing, and this affects us in many ways. It is challenging for us to face an unforeseen event such as a broken appliance or a special celebration. Therefore, if we maintain a monthly control of our...