Many are afraid that they will be considered uninterested in the work if they refuse their superiors' request. In fact, this will only show responsibility. After all, you will be much more productive and get more done if you have time to relax.
Bosses often ask us to stay late, work on weekends, attend a conference on the day we go to a concert, and assist a coworker with a report. While working in a team is very important, it is equally important to set personal boundaries and enjoy your work. Here are five ways to refuse such requests without using the word no.
1. Say, "Yes."
If your boss insists that you stay late and finish the report, acknowledge that you heard it, but immediately set a time limit. Instead of “No, but…” say “Yes, and…”. For example: “Yes, and I also have an appointment today that I cannot reschedule. By what time do you need a report? " This will let you know that you are ready to help but cannot stay at work all evening. Having specified the order's urgency, you will be able to offer the most convenient option for yourself.
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2. Agree to complete part of the assignment
Perhaps your boss has asked you to join an important project you are interested in but would not like to lead. Provide assistance with a portion of the project that you definitely have time for. Say: “I don’t think I will be able to take on the whole project, because now all my time is spent on so and so. But I will have time to analyze the data if someone else draws up a report. "
3. Reframe the request
Break your answer into three parts. First, acknowledge the importance of asking, "I understand it's essential to be on time." Then explain the situation: "I had planned a few weeks ago somewhere and would not like to miss." In the end, offer to either arrive early on Monday morning or to help colleagues in advance so that they can cope with the task in your absence. Only agree to alter your plans if all else fails.
4. Suggest an alternative solution
Be clear about why you are giving up and suggest another solution to the problem. For example: “I cannot stay after work today because I need to pick up my child from kindergarten. But I will talk to X; maybe he can help you. " Don't apologize too much. It is enough to name a convincing reason and offer a solution to the problem.
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5. Ask a colleague for help, but see to it yourself
When you are asked to complete a task, you take responsibility for it. It's possible that all you need to do is monitor its implementation. If so, say, "If X prepares a draft tomorrow, I will finalize it and submit it by the deadline." Just remember to later highlight a colleague's accomplishments and thank him for something, especially if he had to stay late at work when you were at a concert or on vacation.
Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff
Sources: Life hacker