5 Careers That Will Always Be on Demand

Professionals are afraid that in the future, the usual accountants and notaries will be replaced by computer programs, and the labor market will change beyond recognition. If you choose a profession right now, think about a specialty that will become a solid foundation for your future career.  We will tell you what to study today to not sit without work in 10 years to come.

1. Architect

To build a business center or park, you need an architect. He will come up with the external appearance and the future object's dimensions and internal structure. This line of work does not become less relevant; just the contrary; it is becoming more interesting because very soon we will be able to build the same high-tech buildings as in films about the future. The scope for creativity is huge, but? Apart from good imagination, architects need applied skills.

One of the architect's main tools is a special design program called AutoCAD Architecture. You don't need to go to university to master it. Video tutorials online can help you learn.

2. Engineer

With the help of mathematical calculations and drawings, an engineer With can bring any idea of ​​an architect to life. Engineers are inventors who are changing the world with modern technology. 3D bioprinters are already a reality organ printing.

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And, of course, don't forget about electronic engineers. They develop and improve technology - from traffic lights to smartphones. For example, you can use the program Altium Designer. Whether it's a flexible-rigid board for a hearing aid or a large, high-speed network router design with more than 20 layers, you can create any project here. In Altium Designer, specialists develop a project from concept to release of design and production data.

Basic training in this specialty can be obtained in college, but any engineering activity requires a higher education. An engineer needs to constantly educate himself, study technologies and programs for work, practice, and create projects and implement them.

3. Developer

The developer remains the most demanded skills of the Future. The advantage of the specialty is the variety. In the field of information technology, no project is complete without a developer, be it a computer game, a mobile application, an accounting program, or an online store. The IT sphere only accelerates the pace of development and requires more and more new specialists.

You can get a special education at university. Choose the specialties "Mathematics and Computer Science," "Information Systems and Technologies," "Applied Informatics," "Software Engineering."

There is another way to become a developer - additional education courses. They can be completed online or offline. You can try to write code even before starting the training for the rapid development of computer programs in C #, Java, ASP.NET, and VB.NET. The company's products are used for practical training of students in technical universities; therefore, they are suitable as a working tool for both beginners and experienced programmers.

4. Ecologist

Ecology and environmental problems are some of the main pain points of the modern world. That is why, in the future, ecologists will be in demand no less than today. Without a positive opinion from this specialist, building a building, factory, or motorway does not begin. He studies water, land, air, and the industrial production on people, plants, and animals.

To be paid money to save the planet, you need to be a graduate. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics, chemistry, biology, and geography. You can start a career in government agencies. A beginner in this area usually gets a position as a technical assistant.

The highest demand for environmental specialists in industrial enterprises. But you can also get a job in a design organization that provides services to factories and construction companies.

5. Doctor

The year 2020 showed that we couldn't go anywhere without doctors. Moreover, they are not enough. Life expectancy is growing steadily, which means we need even more doctors dealing with diseases of the elderly, wellness procedures, and modern cosmetology. The medical profession implies a continuous learning process throughout your career.

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If it doesn't scare you, you are on the right track. You can get the profession of a doctor only through medical school. Simultaneously, if training in any other specialty is, on average, five years, then in medicine, everything is different. First, five years at the university, then two years in residency or internship, after that - regular advanced training in specialized universities.

There are many specialties in medicine. You can become a narrowly focused surgeon or go into pediatrics. Typically, doctors begin their careers in government agencies and advance to the department head or chief physician. In addition to budgetary organizations, private medical centers are opened annually, and good doctors often start a private practice or go into science and become authoritative experts in their field.

Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff

Sources: Life hacker