Take a step towards a new person or renew old connections to avoid loneliness. According to sociologists Freeman and Thompson, published in 1989, the number of social connections of a person on average ranges from 250 to 5,500 contacts. The researchers also examined friendships. They took the number of New Year cards a person sends as the equivalent of proximity. As a result, the average number of friends was 121.
But no matter how extensive your connections are, there are usually quite a few close people. According to research, the average American trusts only 10–20 people. And this number is gradually decreasing. For example, from 1985 to 2004, the respondents, on average, decreased the number of soul mates. Instead of three, there are only two left.
And this is not just a sad fact. Increasing isolation has serious consequences. It has been proven that people with stronger social bonds live longer. But do not be discouraged if your life is lacking in communication right now. Researchers have a lot to offer.
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Do not neglect distant acquaintances
Even hanging out with people with whom you don't have strong social connections can significantly affect emotional well-being. Perhaps it just takes time to build a strong friendship with them. According to a recent study, it takes 50 hours of communication to go from simple acquaintance to friendship. And another 40 hours to become true friends. All in all - 200 hours to get close.
Rebuild old connections
Consider the folks you once had trustworthy relationships with. You'll find it simpler to communicate with them. And the fact that you have not seen for a while will give new food for conversation.
Take a chance and share something with someone you don't know well
Also read: 10 Things To Let Go Of To Be Happy
Try to open up to unfamiliar people. When we say something personal, we have self-disclosure and liking, a meta-analytic review of others. Also, we tend to have more sympathy for those who have already been let into the soul.
Everyone needs communication and closeness. Acquaintances may gladly meet you halfway. So close this article and try to make friends with someone around you.
Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff
Sources: Life hacker