Due to social isolation, most people spend more time at home. Many begin to pay more attention to what they consume, how much they drink, and all the waste generated from that.
In this perspective, it is important to keep in mind the significance of reducing, reusing, and recycling. Equally important is to reject and repair objects that we have at home. Here are some tips.
Separate The Waste
In the first place, we must separate the waste into recyclable (cardboard, paper, plastic, metals, etc.), organic (banana peel, tea bags, almost all vegetables except an organic waste of animal origin) to make compost, and not recyclable. The latter corresponds to around 10% of the garbage in each household (dirty pizza box, diapers, etc.).
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Identifying our garbage is an excellent way to start being aware of what we consume and generate. From this awareness, we can decide what to do with it and start drinking responsibly.

Donating and giving away, buying, and selling used are ways to avoid buying new products and thus generate less waste. We also give a more useful life to the objects we already have.
With social isolation, many took the opportunity to put the house in order and get rid of things they no longer use. Although holding a fair is not an option in this context, many NGOs and different people began to set up WhatsApp groups to exchange according to their proximity. On the other hand, on Facebook, some groups help give a more useful life to those objects that seemed destined for the trash.
Take a moment to do a little research on the internet and find the organizations that work in your city. If you know any, do not hesitate to leave the information in the comments of this article. We must help each other!
Something fundamental to extend the useful life of the objects that we have at home. It not only helps us save money, but it's also a way to help stop landfills from increasing in volume.
To start making compost, we only need a container that can be a wooden or plastic box that we have at home. The container must allow air to enter from the top and liquids to exit from the base. Then we will fill it with wet material, remains of fruits and vegetables. We will put two bunches of soil on it to contribute microorganisms and help start decomposition.
A More Responsible Consumption
There are several objects that we can replace to consume more responsibly and thus help the planet. Some of these products have already started to be seen in the market, such as bamboo toothbrushes, solid shampoo, the menstrual cup, reusable make-up removal pads, etc.
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On the other hand, we can also avoid specific consumptions such as disposable straws, which can be replaced by metal straws. Plastic wrap, for example, can be replaced with wrappers made from beeswax, or jars and other reusable containers can be used when storing food. A habit that is becoming established is also going to the supermarket with our cloth bags.
Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff
Sources: Bioguia