Newborn Kitten First Vet Visit - What to Expect

What joy it is to have a new kitten. This cute tiny puff ball is a wonderful source of comfort and giggles, and having her can be a unique experience for each fur parent. There is a good reason why there are so many pictures and videos of kittens and cats on the internet. Who could ever resist their charm?

But before anything else, the first thing to think of when you get hold of your new kitten is to meet her veterinarian for the first time. Sometime between 6 and 8 weeks, most kittens usually have their first vet visit and set of vaccinations.This visit will help you review your pet's overall well-being.

Is this your first kitten? Are you as anxious as your little one? Need not to worry, here are a few pointers of what to expect to help prep yourself and survive the first-ever veterinary visit with ease! 

Newborn Kitten First Vet Visit - What to Expect
Image Source: The Spruce Pets

The Vet’s Set Of Questions

Your veterinarian may need some necessary information about your kitten, especially if you're bringing your kitty for the first time.

Prepare the following information for your vet.

  • The kind and brand of food that they consume
  • Their habits of eating and drinking
  • Their bowel pattern
  • You might also check your pet for some recent scars or bites of ticks.
  • Your vet might like a stool sample as well. Call in advance and inquire.

Cats, in contrast to dogs, are thought to be aloof and independent. And the first thing to expect is that the trip to the vet can be stressful for your kitten.

Kittens Can Be Skittish

When they sense that they are in a new environment, they tend to jump, run, and hide.  It is essential to place your kitten in a pet crate or a suitable pet carrier.

It will help put your kitten at ease if you put some of their favorite toys or a blanket you have been using inside her crate or carrier.

If she's familiar with your scent already, this will soothe her down and make her feel more secure.

Your Kitten May Not Get Along Well With Other Pets

Your kitten may find it easier to wait in your car with you until the veterinarian is ready for the appointment. Call in advance to see if the clinic is running on schedule, so that you won't have to wait too long.

Your Kitty May Cry During The Visit

It's your kitty's first trip outside, and she can be scared or bored with all the waiting. Bring water with you, especially if you're going out under hot weather and some good treats.

Cats can be easily distracted, and she may cry along the way, so be sure to have her favorite treats handy to divert her attention.

The First Visit Can Be Pretty Costly

Cats are low maintenance. However, the first visit can be very costly. A comprehensive check-up is vital. Some cat owners tend to get regular blood work for their pet. Other tests include listening to the kitten's heartbeat and checking their eyes, nose, ears, teeth, and feces, which are the basics.

If the tests reveal that your pet needs extensive care, find out how much you're prepared to pay. The vet may also prescribe multi-vitamins if needed, treatment, and preventive medication for parasites and ticks.

Your New Vet Doctor Is Open to Your Questions

Don't be afraid to ask questions and take notes. If you are a first-time cat-mom, you sure have many questions and are in the right place. That is what the veterinarian is there for.

Newborn Kitten First Vet Visit - What to Expect
Image Source: The Pet Central Chewy


Your veterinarian can tell you what signs to look for and when to call with any symptoms if they have a health condition. Make sure that you come back for any suggested follow-up appointments.

If something alarms you, don't be afraid to call and inquire. The people at the vet are usually pretty warm and accommodating people. They may either tell you to come back or give you a short piece of advice for your peace of mind.