Most people look for full-time work, what we might call a job to live. However, there are cases where we look for part-time jobs
This works for students who need a job while studying, reconcile family life with work life, etc. In this article, we'll walk you through the steps of how to look for part-time work
The first step we have to take to look for part-time employment is to look for full-time work: preparing our resume. Indeed more than once, you've heard that a good resume should be clear, concise, and orderly, without spelling mistakes and have a single page, so now is the time to apply all those tips.
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A good resume is essential to finding a job. It can be completed with a cover letter to explain your motivations to apply for a job and develop your resume more extensively. In it, you can explain why you are interested in working part-time.
Clarify Which Job You Want
Just as important as the resume is to be clear about where you want to work. Some profiles are ideal for part-time work (clerk in clothing stores, supermarkets, waiters, private teachers, caregivers of children, the elderly or pets, leisure, and free time monitor). In contrast, others, such as operators of a factory where 8-hour shifts are done, don't seem accessible to work part-time. We can adapt our curriculum to the job we are looking for.
Once these doubts are resolved, it is time to start looking for work. Everything goes here: we can search in the public employment service (it is advisable to sign up since we will also have access to training courses), in the employment section of the newspapers, on the website of the companies where we are interested in working, in job seekers online or on job portals where offers are published.
Keep Sending Resumes
Although it seems outdated, do not rule out handing over the resume in hand at the company. Take advantage of your network of acquaintances (family, friends, classmates, etc.) Maybe someone knows someone who is looking for a part-time worker. In this sense, networking is essential.
Even a business in your neighborhood may be interested in hiring you by the hour, so you don't lose anything by asking them.
Work Remotely
Also read: How to Find a Job in Germany
Perhaps you can consider the option of working from home. Some companies offer this possibility, and you have the advantage of being your boss so you can adapt your working day to your schedules, making it perfectly compatible with other obligations you have. You also have the option of working independently from home, as just another freelancer.
Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff
Sources: Uncomo