In winter, the Sunday afternoon invites us to relax even more, despite the cold weather that leads us to gather and unwind. But what do you do in your spare time to promote relaxation and pleasant sensations? Let's think of simple and cheap ideas, with activities to do alone or in a company, with friends and family.
Here is the list of ideas on things to do in your free time on winter Sundays.
1) Develop reflections and considerations starting from the sentences about winter you find here; you can write them in private or share them with loved ones.
2) Prepare a hot chocolate and enjoy it, even accompany reading an article or a book.
Read also: Winter Weekends: What To Do In Your Free Time When It’s Raining Outside
3) Among the things to do on a Sunday afternoon in winter, even if you've never tried before, consider realizing a neck warmer to needles or crochet.

4) Take a break from your cell phone and think about who and why you can say thank you; you can extend your gratitude to others, to you, to life. Put your thinking black and share it if it involves other people.
5) Listen to a podcast on a topic that interests you.
Also read: How To Organize Smart Working On Vacation
6) If you wonder what to do on Sunday afternoon in winter to leave the house, do not underestimate a walk in nature.
7) Learn more about winter spices and experiment with their combination with dishes.
Adapted and translated by The Cop Cart Staff
Sources: Donnad